Seitz: C. xanthostictum Hmps. (= metallescens Druce) (13 1) differs from the very similar metallescens by its mostly larger size, much more extensive black with metallic blue scaling at the base of the forewing, the nearly quite white tarsi and, above all, by the bright metallic blue, not white forehead. The metallic spots, particularly of the two first abdominal segments exhibit an intense orange golden lustre. In the female the 3 last abdominal rings are beneath covered with a thick, orange-yellow fur. Mexico (Tabasco, Misantla [October]), Guatemala, Panama. compare: C. metallescens Men. (= pheres var. Wkr., chalcosticta Btlr.) (13 k). Black, head, thorax and metalles- abdomen on the dorsum and on the sides with metallic bluish-green spots. Forehead, forehips and ends of tarsi white. Distinguished from the similar species by the intense golden green reflection of the metallic spots, as well as by a white spot at the sides of the 2nd abdominal segment, from xantliostictum particularly by the white forehead. From Mexico, Panama, Amazon, Para.